NARAKA: BLADEPOINT Test Server Update - April 29th, 2024


We've taken usage, skill specifics, and player feedback into account in deciding what to add and what to remove.

From there, we'll be fine-tuning what's left to make it more suitable for the current game environment, or perhaps combining it together with the Talents removed.


Lyam Liu

1. Adjusted [Magnet Repel]: When cast while Countered, Lyam Liu's [Magnet Repel] can interrupt common attacks, and those from Blue Focus or Purple Focus enemies. It can no longer interrupt Golden Focus attacks. This aside, [Magnet Repel] remains unchanged.

2. Adjusted the effects of [Auric Swords] and [Auric Cores] during Ultimates:

a. Both now have a maximum travel distance of 24m.

b. [Auric Sword] and [Auric Core] hits no longer interrupt Almighty General's Vertical Strike, Dragontail.

c. Improved cast effects.

d. Reduced [Auric Core's] Envelop duration from 2.5 sec to 2 sec.


[Lyam Liu Bug Fixes]

1. Fixed an issue where the [Magnet Repel] Talent wouldn't delay Lyam Liu's disarm vulnerability after his Ultimate had been cast.

2. Fixed an issue with the Health recovered from hits with the second stage of [Auric Sword].



The Titan's Call stomp attack wasn't posing much of a threat to foes, so we've adjusted its recovery frames and knockback so Tianhai can launch Horizontal Strike-to-grab combos. This should give him more of an edge in close-combat battle.


1. Reduced the recovery frames of Vajra stomp attacks. Increased the height they knock enemies airborne, and adjusted the direction enemies are thrown in.

2. Vajra's shining weak points, shown during the [Titan's Call: Restore] Ultimate, are now located on its head.

3. Removed the [Divine Bell: Blast] Skill.

4. Removed the [Titan's Call: Support] Ultimate.



We've been listening to our players, and have decided to keep [Enchant: Group Prey] while making some changes to how it works. As Tessa was able to cast her Ultimate a little too fast and often in combat, we've also changed the duration in which she can't build Rage after casting.


1. Slightly increased the speed at which a Tailglow Zone is created when [Tail Strike: Trap's] Foxfire hits.

2. [Enchant: Group Prey] has been reworked as follows:

a. Changed its Rage cost to 55%, and made it possible to Dodge its shockwave.

b. Enemies take damage if they fail to retrieve their soul by interacting with the Soul Vessel within 6 sec, restoring a large amount of Health to Tessa (the same effect as the now-removed Ultimate variant, [Enchant: Bite]).

3. Increased the duration in which Tessa can't build Rage after casting [Enchant] or its variants from 11 sec to 13 sec.

4. Shortened [Tail Strike's] I-frames, meaning Tessa's invincibility no longer lasts for the entire skill animation.

5. Removed the [Tail Strike: Repel]

Skill variant.

6. Removed the [Enchant: Bite] Ultimate variant.



We've noticed that Hadi's Ultimate is no longer providing a very clear advantage once cast. To tackle this, we've adjusted certain attacks along with his flight duration.


1. [Mechanical Arm] has been reworked, and now has the following effect:

"Shoots the mechanical arm in the aimed direction. Enemies hit will be pulled towards Hadi.

Hold the skill key to aim, and left-click to fire.

Right-click while aiming to instead pull Hadi over to the mechanical arm once it reaches its maximum distance or hits an enemy, triggering an explosion.

2. Hadi can now deploy a Mechanical Cube with [Aerial Ascent] (the same effect as the now-removed Ultimate variant, [Aerial Ascent: Rescue]).

3. Set the duration of both [Aerial Ascent] and [Aerial Ascent: Blaze] to 25 sec.

Slightly reduced the recovery frames of Hadi's first and second charge state lunge attacks launched while flying.

Increased the damage of [Aerial Ascent's] first/second/third charge state attacks launched while flying from 1.8/2.7/3.2 to 2/2.8/3.4.

Increased the damage of [Aerial Ascent: Blaze's] first/second/third charge state attacks launched while flying from 1.8/2.7/2.8 to 2/2.8/3.2.

4. Removed the [Mechanical Arm: Pursuit] Skill variant.

5. Removed the [Aerial Ascent: Rescue] Ultimate variant.